A very berry smoothie that is nourishing, filling, and energizing. It also contains some aphrodisiacs, which is perfect in time for Valentine's Day. ;)
Strawberries were once known as the symbol of Venus, the Roman goddess of love, possibly because of it's heart shape in nature. For a period of time, people were lead to believe that strawberries contained special powers because the Greeks forbade consumption of them along with all other red foods (1). While they don't contain magical properties, strawberries do pack a nutritional punch in just one cup of delight, so it's not surprising they are thought to increase libido. If strawberries help with lowering inflammation, blood flow, and energy production, you can bet they will help with sex-drive.
Antioxidant/Anti-inflammatory 113% of the daily value for vitamin C and a wide variety of polyphenols make strawberries powerful antioxidants.
Cardiovascular Health Lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) in excess lead to damaged blood vessels, but strawberries contain an enzyme that breaks it down, therefore protecting us from blood vessel damage.
Vitamins & Minerals Manganese (24%), fiber (10%), folate (9%), iodine (9%), copper (8%), biotin (5%), phosphorus (5%), potassium (5%), magnesium (5%), omega-3 fats (4%), vitamin B6 (4%) (2).
Maca, usually found in powdered form in the US, is a cruciferous root vegetable (relative to broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage) from Peru. It is known to aid in hormone balance, energy production, improving mood and memory, and boosting libido. Not only that, however, but it has a great, malty flavor, which makes it perfect to add to smoothies and desserts (3).
Chocolate is made using cacao beans, which grow on theobroma cacao trees, which translates to "cacao, food of the gods." Traditionally used by the Aztecs and Mayas as currency, Mayans were known to exchange beans for a "night of passion" a brothels, and supposedly, Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, consumed 50 cups of chocolate each day to satisfy all of his wives. Scientists believe cacao induces feelings of lust and love because of two chemicals: phenethylamine and tryptophan. When we fall in love, phenethylamine is released in the brain, and tryptophan helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that increases mood and sexual arousal (1).

1.5 cups almond milk
1 scoop protein powder (I used Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Alkalizing Greens, but a chocolate protein powder would work well here too)
1 scoop My Fruits & Greens (I used strawberry kiwi, but chocolate would also work well here)
1 cup frozen strawberries or mixed berries
1/2 avocado
1 Tbs chia seeds
1 Tbs acacia fiber
1 Tbs cocoa powder (optional)
1 tps maca powder
A few ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a blender.
Blend until smooth and creamy.
Enjoy and have a Happy Valentine's Day!
Works Cited
1. Avey, Tori. Learn Why These 10 Foods Are Edible Aphrodisiacs. PBS. February 10, 2014. http://www.pbs.org/food/the-history-kitchen/10-edible-aphrodisiacs/.
2. Strawberries. World's Healthiest Foods. 2019. http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=32
3. Palsdottir, Hrefna, MS. 9 Benefits of Maca Root (and Potential Side Effects). Healthline. October 30, 2016. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-maca-root.