I love pesto! So much so, I've often listed it as my favorite "food" before, which, as a foodie/dietitian, is really hard to determine. I love lots of foods! But, I do know that if there is a dish with pesto in it, on it, or around it, I'm all over it.
Unfortunately, though, most pesto is made with cheese. Typically Parmesan, which of course, is delicious, but, because my body hates me sometimes, I don't tolerate some delicious foods, namely bread and cheese...It's okay though, there are worse things. At least I can still eat vegetables. No sarcasm... I really do love vegetables!
Speaking of which, this recipe contains three of them! Basil, kale, and garlic. In a previous post, I wrote about some health benefits of kale. Basil shares a lot of those benefits, plus has additional anti-bacterial properties. According to The World's Healthiest foods, basil's volatile oils help it to restrict the growth of bacteria including Listeria, E. Coli, Staphylococcus, and Yersinia.
My mom gifted me and my husband a small hydroponic garden system for Christmas this past year, so we've been able to grow our own basil!

The kale in this recipe comes from Moulton Farm, a farm market I worked at for basically half of my life, beginning work in the fields at 14 years old, and ending up in the bakery until I was 25. I loved working there because I had fantastic bosses, coworkers, and was able to obtain extremely locally grown food, like across the street or down the road local, which is not only more nutritious, but tastier as well.
You do not have to have local produce to make this recipe. I will just always encourage support of local farmers. You can support them by purchasing locally sourced foods in your grocery store, attending farmers markets, and/or seeking out farm market stores. Eat Local Grown is a great resources for finding local food near you.
Makes: 2/3 cup pesto
1 cup loosely packed basil leaves
Leaves from 2 stalks of kale
1/8 cup roasted sunflower seeds
2 cloves of garlic
3 Tbs olive oil
1 1/2 Tbs lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Add garlic to a food processor and blend until finely chopped
Add remaining ingredients and blend until pesto is at desired consistency; stop the processor to occasionally scrape down sides.
Enjoy as desired! Spread on bread, use for pasta sauce, dollop on eggs, etc.