I consistently participated in sports growing up including volleyball, cross country skiing, and track & field. I found it easy to exercise with others because I could talk to my friends while running or doing core exercises.
During college, I was a part of a couple club teams including cross country skiing and track & field, but theses teams didn't meet daily as I was used to, and still found myself working out alone many days during the week.
I used to HATE working out on my own, especially running. When I ran with others, talking distracted me from the actual running part, haha.
But then somewhere along the way I was introduced to using music during my runs or other works and it was a GAME CHANGER.
Music is a powerful, proven ergogenic aid, which is something that enhances exercise performance.
Music has been shown to increase exercise performance by delaying fatigue, increasing endurance, power, and strength (1).
Research suggests that this is due to distraction. Music distracts us from the fatigue we are feeling and can help people push harder during a workout (2). This should help you get through your workout and finish strong, however, not distract from pain or extreme exhaustion.
Music also aids in motor coordination by moving to the beat. This can cause a boost in confidence as well, which is helpful for relating exercise to positive experiences (2).
This is exactly how music has helped me stay motivated for my workouts. My running playlist especially has to be specific. I choose songs only with specific speeds and tempos. If they're too slow, they don't work. That said, they often end up being pretty fun, upbeat songs that make me excited to workout and move to the beat. Music has definitely helped motivate me when I start to fatigue as well, and hearing the uplifting, motivational tunes helps me finish strong. I hope the same for you!
Here's a link to my own running playlist if you'd like to check it out! It doesn't have to be used for running, though, and can be used for any type of exercise.
1. Thakare AE, Mehrotra R, Singh A. Effect of music tempo on exercise performance and heart rate among young adults.Int J Physiol Pathophysiol Pharmacol. 2017;9(2):35–39. Published 2017 Apr 15.
2. Kovar, Elizabeth. Music and Exercise: How Music Affects Exrcise Motivation. Dec. 7, 2015. ACE Fitness. https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/blog/5763/music-and-exercise-how-music-affects-exercise-motivation/.