This is a slower strength workout for when you have a little bit more time on your hands. Modify as needed to adjust to your abilities and/or available time. Rest between reps and/or sets as needed.
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes
Body weight squats
Jumping jacks
Dead lifts using light weight
Workout: Approximately 45 minutes
6-12 dead lifts using increasingly heavier weights. As weight gets heavier, decrease reps.
20 weighted curtsy lunges (10 per side)
20 SL deadlifts using dumbbells (10 per side)
20 reverse lunges (10 per side)
8-12 deep, weighted goblet squats (standing on two boxes or chairs with space in between, perform a goblet squat holding a dumbbell between your hands. The idea is to be able to get a deeper range of motion than you would performing the same exercise on the floor)
10 SL weighted bridges on left leg
10 SL weighted bridges on right leg
10 elevated body weight bridges (heels on chair, box, or exercise ball)
15-20 lying leg raises
15-20 reverse crunches
15-20 heels to heaven
40 weighted Russian twists
This is insanely important to prevent wicked tight hamstrings for the next day or two. Take it from someone who fails to stretch enough after workouts...