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Quick Workout: Cardio & Strength

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

Today, I wanted a workout that got my blood flowing and energized me, but didn't wear me out. This one did the trick!

Total time: ~25-30 min

Warm up:

  • Bridge lifts until glute muscles begin to fatigue

  • 20 squats

  • 1 min plank

  • 10 mermaid or regular pushups

  • 30 jumping jacks


As many rounds as possible for 20 min:

  • 7 weighted squats (I used two 25# dumbbells on my shoulders because that's what I had--you could use less weight and add more reps, or more weight and do less reps depending on what you feel best and most safe doing)

  • 15 V-ups

  • 5 military push-ups (elbows in)

  • 20 side plank dips (10 on each side)

  • 3 pull-ups (I used a home pull-up bar, which is lower, so I try not to start with too much bend in my arms, but there is a little bit. If you are using a real bar, you may need less reps, or, if you're really good a pull-ups you can add more!)


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