I really felt like working my shoulders, back, and abdominal muscles, so here's what I came up with! I felt pretty sore the next day, which always feels good to me.
Warm Up
Alternate the following:
(So, do 10 each military, then wide, then 8 of each, and so on)
Military push ups 10, 8, 5
Wide push ups 10, 8, 5
Upper Body
(Using a weight you feel comfortable with and can control)
Lat pull downs: 3x8-12 (depending on when you begin to fatigue or your form becomes compromised)
Rows: 3x12
Assisted pull-ups: 3x5
Assisted dips: 3x5
Arnold press: 3x12-15 (depending on when you begin to fatigue)
Abdominal pikes (using the seat of a rowing machine or bosu ball): 3x10
High plank, knee to elbow 3x10/10
Barbell sit ups: 2x12
If you complete this workout, I hope you enjoy it and feel stronger for it!